Winning Market Influence
Strategic Influence – Building Campaigns that Win Large Bids

By contrast, strategic influence analysis considers changes at the organization and indicators about how the target organization and its leaders will most likely decide in one particular case. Strategic influence analysis reduces the guesswork about which way a company will move – or what can be done to influence the choice of a key client.
The process is research-based, and uses several tools to get strong results. Each tool can be taught separately, or all together. Before deciding what training we will provide your organization, let’s have a discussion about what your target is, and what you need. Common training components include:
a. Decision Mapping and Decision Culture: What tribe are they from? (1.5 days) Every organization is a tribe. Some people have referred to this course as “Miller-Heiman on Steroids.” This course teaches analytical protocols that decision-map target organizations to assess the 11 key elements that determine how any group makes choices. We share key variables for understanding the decision dynamics of organizations, so you can know where they are going and what you need to do to influence their decisions. We also share case studies of successfully influencing decisions of groups both internal and external to an organization.
b. Language and Behavioral Analysis. (2 days) What specific words and phrases can help you capture an individual’s attention, convince them, and motivate them to act? This course helps you determine who calls the shots within a particular company and what you need to do to win them over. The course introduces how to prepare a detailed profile of what makes an individual tick, and thus how to resonate with and influence that person.
c. Campaign planning. (Variable length - based on need) This suite of tools helps you design “campaigns” to either outflank (competitive strategy) or influence (negotiations or sales) tough or important targets.
Words, Deeds, and Symbols Influence Strategy (1 day)

SUCCESS Messaging: Messages that Stick (1.5 days)

Hierarchical Value Maps: Working With (or Around) Hot Buttons (0.5 day)

Other Communication and Influence Courses from Bennion Group
• Newsletter Magic (1 day)
• Presenting to Executives (1 day)
• Workshop Facilitation Methods (1 day)
• Presenting to Executives (1 day)
• Workshop Facilitation Methods (1 day)
Contact us today to learn more about Bennion Group Traning Courses
Who We Are
We are a global consulting company focused on helping our clients achieve top-line revenue growth. We are experts in product and market strategy, market influence, and competitive intelligence.